

  • Product Retincare
  • Company Laboratori Farmaceutici Krymi
  • Category Stain treatment
  • Certification type CE, estratto Dermakos
  • Year 2019


RetinCare is a class IIIa medical device indicated for skin with xerosis and hyperpigmentation.
The gel helps prevent skin aging induced by time, but also by environmental and polluting factors. The keratolytic action of glycolic acid and retinoic acid promotes the rapid improvement of xerosis and wrinkles and the disappearance of hyperpigmentation. It prevents excessive evaporation of trans-epidermal water, promoting skin hydration and toning it.
Avoid direct exposure to sunlight and UV lamps immediately after application. It is not recommended during pregnancy.

Dichiarazione CE di Conformità

The Higher Institute of Health, Notified Body 0373, has certified that the design dossier of the RetinCARE medical device manufactured by Laboratori Farmaceutici Krymi S.p.A. has been subjected to verification in accordance with the requirements of Annex II of the European Directive 93/42 / EEC and subsequent amendments and additions.

Extract 18 ° Aesthetic Medicine Workshop Agorà

È presente un estratto che descrive l’evoluzione dell’impiego dei retinoidi in ambito dermatologico. La dott.ssa Francesca Negosanti, dermatologo a Bologna e docente Laserterapia in dermatologia all’Università Tor Vergata di Roma e all’Università degli Studi di Parma, analizza RetinCARE.