

  • Product Mannocist-D
  • Company Laboratori Farmaceutici Krymi
  • Category Cystitis treatment
  • Certification type CE, studio D-Mannosio
  • Year 2020


Mannocist-D is a class IIª medical device based on D-Mannose useful for the treatment of cystitis and for the prevention of relapses.
Mannocist-D sachets is able to inhibit the adhesion of bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections, at the level of the urethral and bladder epithelium, to promote their elimination through the urine and thus limit the onset of infections.
D-Mannose can be used both in acute urinary tract infections and in their relapses. The concomitant use of Mannocist-D with antibiotics and antimicrobials can favor the functionality of the latter by increasing the patient’s adherence to therapy.

CE Declaration of Conformity

The Higher Institute of Health, Notified Body 0373, has certified that the complete quality assurance system implemented by Laboratori Farmaceutici Krymi S.p.A. for the non-sterile MANNOCIST-D device, it complies with the applicable requirements of the European Directive 93/42 / EEC and subsequent amendments and additions.

D-Mannosio European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences study (IT)

There is the study in Italian carried out by the Department of Gynecological-Obstetrical and Urological Sciences of the Sapienza University of Rome on the efficacy of D-Mannose for urinary tract infections.

D-Mannosio European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences study (EN)

There is the study in English carried out by the Department of Gynecological-Obstetrical and Urological Sciences of the Sapienza University of Rome on the efficacy of D-Mannose for urinary tract infections.